Leader Coach Program
Connection to the 4 Pillars

The design of the Leader Coach course learning environment connects to University of Southern California Rossier School of Education’s four academic pillars: Leadership, Learning, Diversity, and Accountability.
The leadership pillar can be explained as applying leadership strategies to create solutions that mitigate barriers to learning and create and sustain partnerships to effectively improve learning (Rossier School of Education, 2019).

At the end of the leader coach program, learners will be given a certification once they pass the final exam with a score of 80% or above. This certification signifies to employers and other coworkers that the learner can effectively apply a coaching technique in their daily work to improve the way they lead others. The certification supports the UDL guidelines in that it optimizes learners’ utility value in completing this program (CAST, 2018). For example, certified learners may form their own coaching groups to practice and support each other well after instruction has ended. Coaching groups can encourage those employees to take the necessary steps to maintain their coaching accreditation. Learners have access to online discussion forums, maintained by the Leader Coach organization, to seek out help and advice related to learning coaching and professional development. Thus, leadership will support learning, diversity, and accountability.
By providing options for self-regulation, based on UDL guidelines, learners are encouraged by the instructors to ask for feedback from instructors and their peers in order to learn from mistakes and improve on their technique. Learners will have an opportunity to come up with their own scenarios and use that scenario to practice coaching techniques. Following the UDL Guidelines, learners are encouraged to engage in peer interactions and in common interests and activities (CAST, 2018). By having learners generate their own scenarios for the technique, they will develop an interest in the activity and engage with their peers.
The learning environment of this course will be more adaptable for specific types of learners. Learners are coming from Singapore, Britian and various regions of North America to participate in this course. It is possible that some learners may find it difficult to understand the instructor’s accent or may have a learning disability such as dyslexia that would make it difficult for them to read the written instructions. To reduce potential stress and anxiety, a guest speaker will act as a model discussing positive outcomes of coaching and few challenges when working with clients in various countries. Role models can be used to build communities of practice and develop deep skills (Lombardozzi, 2015). Based on the UDL Guidelines, it is important to illustrate through multiple forms of media (CAST, 2018); instructors will provide verbal instructions along with a printed job aid.
Accountability will be measured by instructor and learner fulfillment of responsibilities; did people do what they said they will do? Instructors support learning through facilitation and instruction; learners reach learning outcomes through participation and completion of the course.
The Leader Coach program is responsible for designing its learning environment to support learners in achieving the learning goal. The learning goal and outcomes are clearly verbalized by the instructor and is presented in written format on the PowerPoint presentation for all learners.
The learning pillar can be summarized as applying evidence-based theories and principles of learning and motivation in education to support learners and to be responsive to their differences (Rossier School of Education, 2019).
Rossier’s diversity pillar can be articulated as a commitment to foster diversity in thought and practice, to mitigate barriers to learning, and to value individual and cultural differences so that all learners have equal opportunities and access to learning (Rossier School of Education, 2019).
The accountability pillar can be described as establishing goals that improve learning, applying data driven decisions to generate consistent and measurable outcomes, and being accountable and communicating effectively (Rossier School of Education, 2019).
Based on the UDL Guidelines, reminding learners of their goals and objectives supports their learning efforts (CAST, 2018). The learning goal of this course is to provide learners with coaching techniques as a means to improve the way they lead others. Surveys will be administered to learners, prior to and at the end of instruction, to gauge learners' motivation and coaching knowledge. Survey data will be collected and used to improve course design. By the end of the course, learners will be able to identify various types of professions in the workplace, demonstrate using the T.I.M.E approach, a coaching technique, in a conversation, and articulate why coaching is important to them.
CAST. (2018). Universal design for learning guidelines version 2.2. Retrieved from http://udlguidelines.cast.org
Lombardozzi, C. (2015). Learning environments by design. Alexandria, VA: ATD Press. ISBN: 978-1-56286-997-7
University of Southern California. (2019). Rossier School of Education Academic Pillars. University of Southern California, Los Angeles. Retrieved from https://rossier.usc.edu/about/rossier-four-academic-pillars/